Saturday, 7 December 2024

                 Meditation for Peace in Syria every 4 hours


Over the past years, many meditations for peace in Syria have been organized, including the Peace Meditation for Syria that we organized at the exact moment of every new moon.

It is important to note that the occult reason for the Syrian conflict is the battle for the Syrian goddess vortex, which is one of the most important key energy points in the planetary energy grid.


Whoever controls that energy point is very close to controlling the majority of the energy leyline system on the planetary surface. Whoever controls the energy leyline system has direct access to the global consciousness of humanity.


As mentioned by Cobra, the Syrian energy vortex is a pentagram. In the hands of the Light forces, this pentagram is an instrument of good that can transform the whole Middle East and can be a huge transmitter of positive feminine energy. In the hands of the dark, this pentagram can create much suffering.

All five points of Syria pentagram (Aleppo, Homs, Palmyra, Raqqa and Manbij) are key towns in Syria that had a strong connection with the Goddess energy in their rich past.


This is the occult reason for the conflict in Syria.


On November 28th, a new wave of attacks was launched by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) from Idlib provinces towards Aleppo, Hama and Homs.


Despite Russian and Syria continuing to conduct airstrikes against HTS, without much resistance on the ground, HTS has been able to move forward at a rapid pace.


As of December 6th, HTS have taken Aleppo and nearby Hama. Currently, they are just about to enter Homs.


As a result, 280,000 people have been displaced, and many more people could be fleeing their homes as the attacks progress.


Also, the Syrian army has announced its withdrawal from Hama. Subsequently, HTS has entered the city.


With HTS taking over these key locations in Syria, there are concerns that people in Syria face a real risk of serious abuse.


If these attacks and takeover by HTS continue, the Syria goddess vortex will be affected. Without enough positive feminine energy on the surface of the planet, this may lead to further conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine.


Therefore, we suggest everyone who feels guided to do the Meditation for Peace in Syria.


We will do this meditation every 4 hours at the follwoing times:


12:15 AM UTC

4:15 AM UTC

8:16 AM UTC

12:15 PM UTC

4:15 PM UTC

8:15 PM UTC

The following table shows the interval times of the meditation for selected time

You can also do this meditation in your own time as frequently as you feel guided.


Here are the instructions for this meditation: (Suggested duration for this meditation is 15 minutes):


1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness


2. State your intent to bring peace and healing to the situation in Syria.


3. Invoke the Violet Flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light.


4. Visualize a pillar of pink Light, emanating from the Galactic Central Sun and then descending down through your body and deep into the center of the Earth.


5. Visualize this Light flowing through your heart and then through your hands directly to everybody involved in the Syrian conflicts, harmonizing everyone and bringing peace. Let the pink Light then flow onwards, healing all other conflicts worldwide.


6. Ask the Goddess presence (the divine feminine) to direct energies of peace and harmony to all unresolved situations regarding the Syrian conflicts and everyone involved in it. Let these energies then flow onwards and heal all other conflicts worldwide. Allow these energies to continue to flow through your heart and then through your hands into these situations for a few minutes.


Please feel free to include this situation in the daily Emergency Meditation at 2 PM UTC.


Visualize the situations in the Middle East being resolved peacefully as quickly as possible.

Goddess wants peace and peace it will be!

Wednesday, 19 April 2023



 Portal of Light Booster Meditation April 20th, 4:17 am UTC


Portal of Light Activation Booster meditation -  English guided audio



Portal of Light Activation - English guided audio 


Portal of Light Activation Videos 


Lichtportal-Booster-Meditation 20 April, 6:17 Uhr MESZ


Lichtportal-Aktivierung am 1. Mai 2023



Saturday, 13 November 2021


There will be a booster mass meditation on 4 December during a strong solar eclipse, for the upcoming main meditation on 21 December and the planetary liberation petition that we reach the critical mass of 144,000 people.

A very important mass meditation will take place on 21 December this year.

In addition, you can immediately sign a very important petition for the liberation of planet Earth:

Working together can make dreams come true.


Wednesday, 1 September 2021


                        BEFREIUNGS MEDITATION


Verwende deine eigene Technik, um dich in einen entspannten Bewusstseinszustand zu versetzen.


Visualisiere eine Säule aus weissem Licht von der kosmischen Zentralsonne wie es dich selbst umhüllt und alle negative Energie und Wesenheiten in die kosmische Zentralsonne hinauf beamt. Visualisiere dies sofort während der Meditation wenn du angegriffen wirst, damit alle diese negativen Wesenheiten und Energien sofort in die kosmische Zentralsonne hinauf gebeamt werden.



Erkläre deine Absicht, diese Meditation als Werkzeug zu nutzen, um alle Anomalien, Panik, Angst, Wut und Depression von Gaia zu entfernen und eine friedliche Revolution auf der Oberfläche des Planeten auszulösen, die dem höchsten Zweck des Lichts dient.


Visualisiere eine Säule aus dem weissem Feuer von AN, die von der kosmischen Zentralsonne ausgeht und durch alle Leylinien und Wirbel auf Gaia geht und die ganze Erde umhüllt und wo alle negativen Emotionen, dunkle Anomalien, Gefühle von Panik, Ärger, Angst und Depression von allen Leylinien und Wirbeln von Gaia zur kosmischen Zentralsonne hinauf beamt und entfernt.


Visualisiere nun eine Säule aus goldenem, weißem Licht von der Kosmischen Zentralsonne wie sie die Erde umhüllt. Sehe, wie dieses Licht um Gaia herum den negativen Wassermagnetismus von der Erde in die kosmische Zentralsonne entleert.


Stelle dir vor, dass das positive Militär jetzt die Kontrolle auf der Oberfläche übernimmt und beginnt die Kabale zu verhaften wo Live in den Massenmedien ausgestrahlt wird.


Stelle dir vor, dass mehr und mehr Menschen aufwachen und die Korruption um sie herum wahrnehmen und NEIN zu den Corona-Beschränkungen sagen und friedlich protestieren.  Sehe die Soldaten, Feuerwehrleute, Polizisten und Mediziner und Lehrer die sich jeden Tag gegen die Kabale wehren, sich weigern, den Corona-Impfstoff zu bekommen und friedlich gegen die Corona-Beschränkungen protestieren. Sehe wie sich diese Revolution friedlich über den Planeten ausbreitet.


Visualisiere wie alle Ley-Linien und Wirbel von Gaia mit der sanften rosa Göttinnenenergie der Liebe und der Heilung und der männlichen Himmel blauen Energie des Friedens und der Freiheit geflutet werden.


                 LIBERATION MEDITATION                    


 Use your own technique to bring yourself into a relaxed state of consciousness.


Visualise a pillar of white light from the Cosmic Central Sun enveloping yourself and beaming up all negative energy and entities into the Cosmic Central Sun. Visualise this immediately during meditation when you are attacked so that all these negative entities and energies are immediately beamed up into the Cosmic Central Sun.


Declare your intention to use this meditation as a tool to remove all anomalies, panic, fear, anger and depression from Gaia and trigger a peaceful revolution on the surface of the planet that serves the highest purpose of light.


Visualise a pillar of the white fire of AN emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun and passing through all the ley lines and vortexes on Gaia and enveloping the whole Earth.


Visualise this light in the form of a vortex swirling down onto the earth where all negative emotions, dark anomalies, feelings of panic, anger, fear and depression surface from all the ley lines and vortices and the whole surface of Gaia swirling up to the cosmic central sun and removed.


Now visualise a column of golden white light from the Cosmic Central Sun enveloping Earth. See how this light around Gaia empties the negative water magnetism from Earth into the Cosmic Central Sun.


Imagine that the positive military on the surface is now taking control on the surface.


Imagine more and more people waking up and noticing the corruption around them and saying NO to the Corona restrictions and protest peacefully. See the soldiers, firefighters, police and medics and teachers who are standing up to the cabal every day, refusing to get the Corona vaccine and peacefully protesting the Corona restrictions. See this revolution spreading peacefully across the planet.


Visualise all the ley lines and vortexes of Gaia being flooded with the gentle pink Goddess energy of love, healing and be flooded with the masculine sky blue energy of peace and freedom.

Meditation in Deutsch

Tuesday, 27 April 2021


I read an article recently about the different types of Lightworkers there are and identifying which one are you? But as Lightworkers or Warriors, Goddesses or Healers, Gatekeepers or Psychics, or just being someone that holds light on the surface, WE all have one thing in common: (however you want to phrase it): WE want to liberate planet Earth, WE want The Event, WE want to transmute all remaining darkness, WE want to live a life full of love, abundance, joy and compassion, or maybe even the desire to "Go Home". So if WE all have these goals in common, why is it so difficult for us to come together in unity and work together?

WE have the biggest advantage of being awake and aware to what is really going on in the world. Some of us carry a unique trait or "gift" that enables us to do or see things that most do not. This does not quantify us or them as better than anyone else. I am not more important than you. You are not more important than me. WE are like puzzle pieces around the world. Unless WE are truly connected, the final picture will never be complete. But what does that really mean?

I think of the analogy "Rowing in the same direction". If WE were to all row (meditate, mission work, hold light, etc.) in the same direction, WE would get to our destination faster. If you have some people rowing backwards, dragging their paddles in the water, or waiting for someone else to do the rowing, it will take longer. The truth is the truth and it doesn't care how you feel about it.

WE must live in the present. Do not let our past define our timeline. Do not let our egos get in the way. Moving forward and working in unity does not mean anything other than WE have the same goal for our future, humanity's future and more importantly, Gaia's future. WE need to push all issues aside temporarily in order to row in the same direction. WE can deal with our internal issues with each other AFTER The Event, AFTER Mother Earth is liberated, otherwise WE will never get to that Island of Light or Bubble of Heaven. Is it worth it to you? To hold on to the past that will prevent The Future for all of Humanity, The transition into the Age of Aquarius?

It's a matter of energy. What are you putting out in the Universe? Is that really what you want to receive? If the answer is no, then change that energy. You are a Creator God or Goddess. Let the past be absorbed by the Violet Flame or Divine Light. There is healing in our future. When WE stand together in UNITY, WE WIN. The Galactic celebration that awaits every single one of us after this is all over will be so tremendous. Be a part of history, change the past by being present and focusing on our future together. Victory of the Light

Monday, 15 March 2021


Information: Cintamani Stones


Cintamani stones for the planetary Cintamani grid project should only be sourced from trusted sources. Otherwise there is potential for contamination to the grid. There are three sources which have been approved by Cobra for this project. Those sources are listed below.

- it is ideal to bury the stones 30 cm deep directly into the Earth (if burying the stone)


- Tachionized stones are much better to use than non-tachionized stones.

- stones dropped into the ocean should be dropped as far away from the coast as possible.

- to bless a location most effectively the stone should be buried within 500 meters air line of the location, if possible. Otherwise just as close as safely possible would be good


           Opaque Stone = Regular Stone

- 3g+ gem quality stones are best for burying
- 4g+ gem quality stones are even better
- 3-4g regular quality stones can be used to bless bodies of water (oceans, ponds, rivers, lakes, etc.)
- 4g+ regular quality stones can be used for burying, but gem quality stones will create a more powerful activation
- 10g+ regular quality stones are very good to bury at vortex locations. But gem grade stones activate the vortex most optimally, so a combination of one big regular quality stone with a 3g+ gem grade stone would create a most harmonious and powerful activation for vortex locations. Although this combination is of course not necessary to do.
- If using 2-3g gem grade stones then two of those stones should be paired together in one hole for an optimal activation
- If using stones weighing between 0.5-1.9 grams then eight stones (mostly of gem quality) should be paired together into one hole to create a proper activation. Assuming the stones are all tachionized then this will create an activation approximately equivalent to a 3-4g gem grade stone.


- Stones weighing under 0.5 grams should not be buried


Trusted sources for Cintamani Stones:

Video: How to bury Cintamani Stones

Cintamani Tools

1x Screwdriver 15cm

1x Screwdriver 22-30 cm + 1 cm diameter

1x Kitchen ladle handle: 22-30 cm

1x Folding Shovel

Pierce the soil with the smaller screwdriver 15cm. This way you will find a spot where there are no stones in the way.

Make circular movements in the soil with the small screwdriver.

Make circular movements with the large screwdriver until the hole is wide enough for the stone.

Put the handle of the kitchen trowel into the hole.

Position the stone optimally in the hole in the ground. Use the kitchen trowel to push the Cintamani stone straight down into the hole with a lot of feeling.

Fill the hole in the ground with soil.

When you bury a large Cintamani stone, make a hole in the ground with the folding shovel.

Fill the hole in the ground with soil.

It is very fast and efficient, though it makes some noise. Within a minute or so, the stone is buried, no matter the soil conditions. In a very stoney soil or very cohesive soil it takes sometimes a little bit longer, but not really much.

The tool, the second from the right, is sufficient to make a large hole. 

Claw Nail Puller

This is a selection of cintamani tools that you can put together according to your inner guidance to bury cintmani stones.

Dry Earth

Pour water on the soil, wait until the water flows into the earth. Then follow the instructions of the video

Frozen Earth

Pour hot water from the thermus bottle onto the earth, wait until the water flows into the earth. Then follow the instructions of the video. 


GPS coordinates google maps for Cintamani Stones

How to cover a Cintamani position precisely

Air line measurement with google maps app

Water Stones

 Go to the shore of the lake. If possible, swim 30-50 metres into the lake (put the stone in a water bag or somewhere so that the water stone does not get lost while swimming). After swimming 30-50 metres, take the water stone in one hand and drop it into the water. If this is too dangerous or due to weather conditions: throw the water stone as far as possible into the water with full force and momentum.

Mobile phone battery charger 

 The battery of the mobile phone drains quickly when using google maps during Cintamani missions. 

Therefore, it is very important to have a strong power bank (battery charger) for your mobile phone so that you can charge your mobile phone several times while driving a car and/or on Cintamani missions. 

Example Power Bank (battery charger) : 

A USB poeckt lamp can also be used to charge a mobile phone and is ideal as a pocket lamp when travelling at night on Cintamani missions.

Example USB pocket lamp:

Find burial data on your mobile phone

Internet on Phone:

Switch on Internet (mobile data) and GPS, open Google Maps,
klick one time slowly with feel to the blue dot.

Decimal coordinates (longitude and latitude) appear at the top of the input field.

Take a screen shot or write down the burial data

GPS Navigation Devices:

With such a GPS navigation device you can connect it to the electric car lighter for power supply. You can programme all the places (destinations) into this device before the Cintamani mission. Then you are optimally prepared for the routes.

With the mobile phone (Google Maps), it is highly recommended to buy a holder for the mobile phone while on the Cintamani Mission. You have a good overview while driving the Cintamani route and you can connect the mobile phone directly to a USB point or electronic car lighter with a USB coupling device in the car for the power supply.

Collect Cintamani Burial/Water Datas

If possible please this datas:

 Burial (Earth) / Water Data

Any stone buried or thrown into the water: Screen Shot with GPS (burial/water coordinates (longitude and latitude),or write this data on a sheet of paper.

All burial/water datas share too:    

Accommodation for Cintamani Projects

Here you can find cheap accommodation. This provider also has a meditation centre.


Here you can find delicious and affordable food that would otherwise end up in the bin.

Exist in USA, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany Irland, Italy, Norway, Poland Portugal, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands, UK


We are looking for worldwide reliable contacts for Cintamani Grid Projects. If you willing to do this, you can contact us there:



Donation Cintamani Planetary Grid Project

Money will be collected for the purchase of Cintamani stones, accommodation costs and transport costs.
